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Create : ledger or under group बनाते है।

Alter : बने हुए लेजर को डिलीट या चेंज करना।

Display : बने हुये लेजर को देखने के लिए।

Ledger Under group
Sandeep Capital A/C
Manoj Sundry Creditors
Subhash Sundry Creditors
Purchase Purchase A/c
Sale Sale A/c
Computer fixed assets
Bank Bank A/c
Carriage Direct Expenses
Intrest Indirect Expes.
Commission Indirect Expes.
Purchase Purchase A/c


1. Stock Group बनाना।
Example - kirana store,medical store etc.

जैसे - Name  -  Medical store
       Under -  Primary 

2 .Unit of measure.
Example - kg,mg,ml,pcs,gm. 

3 . Stock item
जैसे - pcm 250 mg , Etox 10 ml , etc.
 Under - medical store
  Unit     - mg ,ml

*Entry Karna *

3.Accounting voucher me Entery करते है।
1. Sandeep Start business with cash 100000. F6

2.Sold Computer to rohit 3000  F6

3.Cash withdraw from Bank 4000. F4

4.Cash Deposit in Bank 5000.  F4

5.Goods Purchase by Manoj Medical Store . F9

Item Qty. Rate Amount
Dyanapara 100mg 20 55 1100
Ketamin 50mg 25 45 1125
Panto 250mg 15 80 1200
PCM 500mg 30 95 2850
6. Goods Sold. F8

Item Qty. Rate Amount
Dynapara 100mg 5 60 300
Ketamin 50mg 7 48 336
Pento 250mg 6 82 492
Pcm 500mg 10 97 970

7.Goods purchase return to manoj.F7

Item Qty. Rate Amount
Ketamin 50mg 2 45 90
Dyanapara 100mg 3 55 165
8. Goods purchase from subhash.F9

Item Qty. Rate Amount
Etox 5ml 10 15 150
Demazin 60ml 15 20 300
Cpl 100ml 5 75 375
Cold 50ml 10 55 550
9.Goods sold F8

Item Qty. Rate Amount
Cpl 100ml 3 85 255
Cold 50ml 5 57 285

10.Carriage paid to Mr.neetesh 600.F5

11.Recpiet interest by account 400.F6

12.Paid commission 300. F5

13.Stationery purchase from rahul 5000.F5

Entery देखने के लिए.
 Day book - पूरी entry देखना।

  Trail Balance - शेष बैलेंस  देखने के लिए करते हैं।

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